Game for kids in Pandemic context based on the devolopment of Emotional Intelligence
 Interaction is an unconscious and constant way of learning between humans and the objects that surround us. Children interact when playing or talking and it's essential for them that from a very early age they learn to identify, recognize and control their emotions, sentiments and impulses so that they can persue an emotional balanced personality. This is the premise of Re-Sense, a game destined to help the emotional devolopment of children in an exceptional situation such as Covid-19. In a very simple way, and having in mind the particularities of the situation, all 24 pieces of the game will help the little ones develop sensibility to facial expressions and its meaning and will have a better emotional, sensitive an social affective knoledge.
Re-Sense comes from the idea of creating a canvas on the face where one can play with emotions through facial expressions. Emotions that, in consequence of de pandemic, are not visible in its totality. It consists of an invisible mask that eludes direct physical contact and allows to play individually or in group. In case of beeing used individually, the user can play on the same support of the game. Re-Sense is composed of 4 facial expressioms shaped in 24 pieces arranged on the game's board.
The game consists of creating, in a free, creative and personal way, an expression on the central mask with the different pieces of Re-Sense. The kid will be able to choose the pieces that he wants, creating different emotions that will be projected on the face of the other player without having to touch each other. When done the expression, it will be able to disassemble and reasemble on the board through a magnet system.

Doing clay prototypes using our faces and its variability as a reference, helped us obseve the changes in it. In the next photographs, we can observe a series of prototypes done on the firsts weeks of the project, that were key for the posterior 3d printing of the pieces. We want to stand up that some of them have been caricaturized, as it's a kid's game and we pretend to make it more attractive for this kind of user.
Classmates playing with Re-Sense

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